Growth and value creation |
Strategy |
Implementation |
Own the cash flows |
Manage businesses actively and successfully |
Master of the distribution channel |
Maintain decentralised channels and reach common customers |
Anticipate the future |
The need to be increasingly flexible and adaptable, to explore new opportunities and directions while taking risks on a calculated basis |
Stick to basics |
Collect the book, manage payment of creditors and manage the returns on investment |
Management focus |
Strategy |
Implementation |
Never waste a crisis |
A proactive approach to global challenges could describe the Bidvest style, refitting the businesses for a new future |
Financial disciplines and
allocation of funds |
Working capital and return on funds employed |
Restructuring |
Developing lean, flexible structures to take business in entirely new directions. Nimble unblinkered organisations have the best chance of success in a changing world |
Medium-term target |
Real organic growth in earnings across all businesses |