Operational review Bidvest Namibia

  • Revenue up 9,7% to R1,7 billion while trading profit rises 16,3% to R325,9 million
  • Trading profit doubles in two years – beating the strategic objective of doubling in three
  • Continued organic growth highlights the resourcefulness of our people
  • Exceptional performance by our fishing business
  • Cash generated by operations reaches NAD564,6 million

Bidvest Namibia is the holding company for Bidvest’s interests in Namibia, which include fishing and similar commercial businesses to those of Bidvest in South Africa.


Sebulon Kankondi
Chief executive



R2,1 billion

9,5% increase

Trading profit

R540,1 million

46,8% increase




Financial indicators
(for the year ended June 30)
Revenue 2 133,7 1 949,2
Trading profit 540,2 367,9
Operating assets 1 056,0 1 012,1
Operating liabilities 384,0 399,6
Depreciation 47,2 39,3
Amortisation and impairments of intangible assets 5,3 8,7
Goodwill and intangible assets 103,9 111,5
Sustainable development indicator overview    
Employees 2 700 2 574
Total training spend (R’000) 2 882 2 168
Training spend per employee (R) 1 068 842
Employees attending HIV/Aids training (%) 65,9 34,3
Lost-time injury frequency rate 4,9 16,3
Work-related fatalities (number) – –
CSI spend (R’000) 6 685 4 089
Total water usage (litres ’000) 91 390 44 624*
Total electricity usage (including electricity from renewable sources) (kWh ’000) 5 880 4 727
Petrol (litres) 418 670 478 454
Diesel and biofuel (litres) 35 681 609 35 603 217
Total carbon emissions (tonnes) 100 353 97 006
Carbon emissions per employee (tonnes) 37,2 37,7
* 2010 restated numbers.    


QUICK LINK: Historic sustainable development data

Material issues


  • Dependence on natural fish resources, especially shared stocks, which can be affected by natural disasters and poor resource management
  • The welfare of our crews and of the local communities affected by our operations
  • Dependence on a stable legal framework in Namibia and the other countries in which we operate


  • Employment equity, skills attraction and retention
  • The HIV/Aids pandemic
  • Reducing the environmental impact of our operations
  • Expanding the product portfolio to support not only BidCom’s sustainable development initiatives but also those of our clients and customers